Dominican Trying to Speak English Funny

Picture this: Yous're by the Malecon, or in la Zona Colonial, peradventure even somewhere in the vibrant nightlife of Santiago, drinking Presidente's with your new Dominican friends. Y'all're not an skilful in Spanish, but you're fluent enough to make a joke hither and at that place and order another beer. A scuffle breaks out nearby, and your Dominican friends say "que baltri!"

Pause hither- Baltri? Yous're racking your brains for this discussion, only it does not compute. Do not fret- here are some useful Dominican slang words & Dominicanismos to know earlier your next adventures in the Dominican Republic.

Related reading: Prejudices Against the Dominican Accent & Anti-Dominican Sentiment

forty+ Dominican Slang Words and Phrases

The Dominican Republic has a rich colloquial language, full of vibrant phrases and terms that tin be confusing for people not straight from the country. I learned this the hard mode when I befriended a group of young adult locals in Santo Domingo— I oft found myself missing the punchline, grasping for context, and eager to learn some of the Dominican phrases my friends were utilizing. Growing up Dominican-American, I had access to the usual dictionary of Dominican sayings that made information technology to NYC (poloche, con flei, que lo que, etc) but I was not prepared for the vernacular terms in Dominican language that continued to develop later my parent's 1990's context of Dominican slang and sayings. Here are some of my Dominican words and slang that I've learned from friends and family in DR over the past couple of years:


This dominicanismo (a Dominican give-and-take with roots in an American saying, or simply put: a Dominican translation) translates to "bad trip."

When to apply it: When something is undesired, out of alignment with you, or uncomfortable. Que baltri! Can also be used to describe a person. "Ese tipo es united nations baltri."


When to utilise "fundi"? Okay, peep this, yous're dorsum at La Zona Colonial with friends you made that same nighttime, drinking some Añejo and talking about the absolutely wild state of the globe and late-phase capitalism and blah blah apathetic when 1 of your friends says "Guau- Fundiste!" No worries, this has no relation to "fundillo" and really comes from the word "profundo." It means to say something profound, thought-provoking, or insightful.


"Que apero!" your friend exclaims equally you lot show her a video of you roller skating back in NYC. You prove her another one where you lot actually land the play tricks, and she says "no, de verdad. Super jevi. Y los skates se ven chevere." You pause on the video-sharing and shoot her a expect of defoliation– Apero? This is one of those relatively new Dominican slang words and thus hasn't yet made it to the diaspora. Just no sweat- it shares the aforementioned pregnant every bit chevere and jevi: Cool. Nifty. Sweet. Any of these words fit perfectly when exclaiming excitement for something awesome. People, places, things too can be apero/jevi/chevere.

"Te La Comiste"

You're feeling buzzed and really proud of those roller skating videos. Y'all show another one of your new friends the video of the trick you landed, and this time the affirmation is "te la comiste!" This phrase translates to a phrase frequently used in English language as well: "you ate that!" As in, y'all killed information technology!


No matter where you are in the world, there will always exist that friend who tin can't make information technology at the very last infinitesimal. That person barajo. Maybe they're siempre barajando. While the literal translation of barajar is "to shuffle", this iteration means to abolish or change plans at the last minute. Too implies fickleness. But one could also say "Baraja eso" which ways to let go of the topic at mitt.

In a fun example? Y'all and all your friends are waiting for someone who ends up texting yous an hour after yous were supposed to meet proverb they tin't arrive- someone says, "Diache, otra vez barajo." A few other people limited frustration with this friend who canceled withal again. But you're over it and ready to have the nighttime of your life so tell them- "Baraja eso."


At present, this word translates literally to "Scholarship recipient/Scholar". When to employ it? Well, we've all been in that location- perhaps we didn't upkeep enough for the night, or perhaps your friends are inviting you somewhere that'south above your paygrade- but wait! You accept that one loaded friend in tech who tells you lot "te doy beca este noche!" In this context, "te doy beca" roughly translates to "I'll spot y'all." Then worry near the coin after and go be a scholar with your friends! It's like higher!

En Olla

Only before you are accounted a becario– you need the perfect phrase to exclaim to your friends that you are BROKE. Introducing… "en olla." Whenever the budget is tight and the wallet total of cobwebs, "en olla" is the way to get. It translates to "in pot", but when used within the context of money, it ways broke/struggling financially. We all take been en olla before, so keep this i in your back pocket!

Chapiadora Son Matatanes

Sometimes when we're en olla, we need to turn into a chapiadora to give ourselves the luxury and fun nosotros deserve. A chapiadora is essentially just a golddigger, and the term was popularized in urban Dominican music. And so if y'all're having a nighttime out and estas en olla, plough on that chapi chapi energy and get yourself some costless drinks at the bar.

Editor's Note Almost the Term Chapiadora

In the Dominican Republic, women have far less access to resources or jobs that pay well. The patriarchal organisation is set and so that a woman must depend on a human to survive. Therefore, marrying someone with access to a better life is one of the only means to escape extreme poverty for many. So don't human action surprised when you move to the Dominican Republic and it turns out your hubby married you for financial interest–they're understandably trying to survive!

In my opinion, chapiadoras son las matatanes. Matatan refers to a potent, successful, and smart person with street smarts doing what they gotta practise. A famous synonym for chapiadora is sanky panky. However, dissimilar sanky panky which tin can utilize to both men and women, chapiadora carries heavy sexist undertones every bit information technology only applies to women. Therefore using it in a negative connotation against a woman while ignoring their socioeconomic disadvantages is non just ignorant but sexist, too.

Challenging the significance of this discussion, the famous Dominican poet, Danyeli Rodriguez Del Orbe notes "chapiadora likewise represents women pushing back against gender inequality."


You're out with your local friends and the night is young. You're having a smashing time at the colmado– Elizabeth by Jose Manuel is blaring through the speakers, even so the dude trying to holla at you is However trying to speak over the music to become your attention. You lot know what phrase would fit perfectly here? "Matriarch banda!" If you are feeling really irritated, go for the lengthier "sueltame en banda!" to really drive the indicate home. Does he still not get it? Then enquire the DJ for the aux and play "Sueltame En Banda" past Lyon y Ko. These phrases interpret to "leave me lone". Someone should sell masks or t-shirts that say "dame banda" for the introverts. Go out us lonely.


Abrasive homie talking to you over the speakers finally gets the hint and leaves you alone, when you make very cursory eye contact with the cutest almost gorgeous person you've ever laid your eyes on, and that's not the Añejo talking. They have your full attention. That's bae, fifty-fifty if they don't know they're being perceived by you lot. Your friend catches you lot staring at homie throughout the night and she tells you "Diablo loca– tu 'ta aficia."

What does that discussion sound like to you? Allow it sit on your tongue for a bit. Aficia… aficiaaaa… asphyxiaa….asphyxiated! To be and then head over heels with someone, that it leaves you incoherent. And if you're thinking of the word "addict" (meaning "a person who is very knowledgeable and enthusiastic about an activity, subject, or pastime") then y'all're not besides far off! It's like being an aficionado for a person. Being admittedly smitten past them. And the person who walked into the bar does that for you lot. Tu 'ta aficia'.


Oop- nevermind. You've observed enough. The cute guy yous were aficia' with turned out to be a weirdo. He's stumbling through the colmado like a boozer fool and you are no longer feeling it. You shoot a look at your friend, who turns to you and mouths "pariguayo!!"

The etymology of this word is one of my favorites and was further popularized in The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao past Junot Diaz. Fable goes that US armed forces personnel in the Dominican Republic during occupation did not know how to dance, and so they'd stand back at the Dominican parties and "party watch"… party lookout man… or pariguayo now is essentially a stand up-in for "loser" or "lame." Say the word out loud. It's fun.


Okay mayhap neither pariguayo isn't it. Something about this man feels immature and childish– so it'southward manner more than just being lame! This guy is a MANGANZON. He looks and is an developed, merely his behaviors and attitudes are that of a spoiled and lazy man-child. The discussion comes from the combination of the English word "man" and the French word for boy, "garcon.'

Dar Muela

"Te 'ta dando muela" your friend says after watching el pariguayo try to spit game at you. While "dar muela" translates literally to "give teeth," the colloquial context of the word means trying to talk to you lot and way too much. The objective is frequently trying to verbally flirt with someone through the use of compliments and flattery.


Your friend then says, "no te lleve de eso, eso es puro plepla." Double whammy. You simply heard dando muela for the first time, and now another word you don't know is thrown into the mix. Plepla means to speak nonsense. While you're a chip offended that your friend doesn't want the muela to get to your head, yous hold- homie is talking nonsense.

Editor'due south Note: Deplorable to anybody I've left 5+ minute Whatsapp audios to hablando plepla!


"Pero mami, no te pongas guapa", the pariguayo tells you when you decline his invitation to dance to Frank Reyes. You don't actually sympathise why y'all desire to throw your beverage on this man later he tells you that, but you do. While in other parts of Latin America, "guapo/a" ways handsome/cute, in the Dominican Republic it takes on a completely different meaning. In DR, guapo means "mad." Large mad. Tight equally tight can be. Angry. Grrrr. Frustrated. Basically, anyone who'due south not in the best mood 'ta guapo.

Tirame por Whatsapp

The manganzon is finally starting to get the hint, and he fires off his last words in the attempts to enamor you: "Tirame por Whatsapp." Yous have heard this one earlier, but you can't help but recall literally. How practice I "throw" someone through Whatsapp? Don't forget hun– this phrase will exist a popular i while meeting folks on your nights out. "Tirame por Whatsapp" simply translates to "hit me up on Whatsapp." And yes, you lot should take Whatsapp downloaded by this point in your Dominican Republic trip. It will make the travel experience ten times easier.


Another favorite dominicanismo volition require me to suck us out of the "out with friends on a Sabbatum night" analogy for a quick fun history lesson. Significant trash tin, zafacón is another word with its root in American English. During the 1916 US invasion of the Dominican Republic, U.s. military machine tanks would frequent the streets of Santo Domingo. On the side of said tanks was an American campaign ad promoting recycling, with a slogan reading "Salve A Tin can!" Yup, y'all got it. Salve a can. Zafacón. Save a can. Zafacón. Local Dominicans read the ad, and through the filter of their Dominican Spanish and limited English-speaking capability, they created a new discussion for trash tin. Or then my Dominican folklore instructor said. I trust him.


Okay nosotros're still not back out with the friends yet. Gotta share this archetype with you. Chances are that in any Dominican space you've occupied, be information technology on the island, in NYC, in Canada (yeah there are Dominicans in Canada), Spain, or Italian republic (have you lot heard of Dominican-Italian vocalist Yendry? She'south a fan of using "vaina" in her music), then you have heard the discussion vaina. Esa vaina se escucha donde sea. Es una vaina increíble. Information technology merely ways thing; therefore, it tin can be anything and everything. Like a linguistic Room of Requirement (@ the Harry Potter fans), it fits the need of your sentence. Forgot how to say light switch? Vaina. Remote command? Vaina. Piece of work event? Vaina. The versatility of vaina is captured excellently in this video. Chequea esa vaina!


We're back! So, while y'all're boot back and dancing in place to the music, you notice your friend next to you texting at the speed of light. You shoot them a quick inquisitive look, and they sigh and tell you "east'ta tipa* me tiene quillao'." Noticing the confusion on your face up, he clarifies: "ella me tiene frustrado. No me está cogiendo la llamada." Quillao'/quilla' is a pretty good Dominican synonym for annoyed/irritated or mad/angry. Whereas in my experience "guapo" feels all-powerful, like someone names it for yous, "quillao" is more cocky-prescriptive.

*Tipa or tipo means guy or gal.


Your friends want to accept a shot of Mamajuana, and you hear the word "Brindis" for the get-go time. Our Dominican civilisation is warm, vibrant, and enjoys commemoration—and at that place's no amend way to celebrate with Dominicans than by enjoying some of their incredible alcohol. Be it Brugal, Presidente, Mamajuana, or Ron Barcelo in your cup, make sure to raise it high and say "Brindis!" This is a typical Dominican saying almost like to "Cheers!" If yous want to be cheeky and hip, throw in a "Brindis Spears" and run into who catches the joke.


Your friends decided they want to striking upwards some other function of the urban center because "Hay un rebú en la Zona hoy." Rebu ways a group of people, usually loud and bouncy. Its' etymology (to me) is unknown, just I would like to believe information technology'south some blazon of dominicanismo for Ruby-red Bull. Do non seek a correlation, in that location is none. They just sound similar to me!


"Ese tigueraje de la Zona no es pa mi" says your friend who is not feeling the vibes at where yous're hanging out anymore. Tigueraje has its roots in "tiguere" which means "tiger." In DR, a tiguere is a smart, cunning, and sometimes conniving individual with a cool true cat demeanor. Tigueraje means the behaviors the tiguere engages in, and with its bustling nightlife and tourist attractive energy, Santo Domingo is the perfect jungle for tigueraje. Don't stop up getting tricked into paying someone's tab at the colmado!


Despite your friend'south aversion to standing the night in la Zona, yous really bask the free energy in that location. You lot hear your friends refer to the rebu of people as "bohemios", and yes you guessed it—information technology translates to Maverick. In Santo Domingo, these are your hippie "culling" types, usually musicians, artists, and vendors who drive the nighttime life on Calle Mercedes in la Zona Colonial. Maybe yous'll come up back some other night alone and kicking information technology with them.


Depending on where your friends make up one's mind to become next that nighttime, you might meet some popis. A popi is unremarkably a young Dominican person from a college social course, usually with families who take more coin than your average Dominican. They might frequent chichi and modern bars, slick back their pilus, drib a ton of English words they studied in their expensive school despite your Spanish being fine, and have a slightly different cadency of speaking than other Dominicans. Think of Dominicans with preppy accents or "fresas" in Mexico. Their favorite word might also be "osea" and "vieja." Avoid Ensanche Naco, Piantini, and Bella Vista if that's non your jam.


You now know how to identify the bohemios and popis, merely there is another of import stardom of Dominican youth to be made: los wawawa. Popularized past urban Dominican artists Rochy RD and El Mayor Clasico in the vocal "La Transa", Wawawa gained popularity amongst Dominican youth in the barrios, who felt identified in the music urban dembow artists were creating. From the vocal also came the popular greeting phrase, "que lo que wawawa." Now you know why your friends say it when they call yous.


This is an important word to know if you are a queer person visiting Santo Domingo. There are several nightlife options in Santo Domingo that are for LGBTQ people. The give-and-take "cuir" is derived from "queer" and have the same pregnant: an umbrella term for non cis-heterosexual folk. So, if you're queer and looking for community in DR, hit upward those cuir confined!

Manga Ahi

Did your friend beverage as well much that nighttime despite your constant warnings to have it dull and beverage water? Do you lot desire to rub information technology in their confront? For accountability purposes, I recommend the Dominican slang phrase "manga ahi." Similar to "coje ahi", information technology means "that's what you lot get."


Yous and your friends decide to circular out the weekend past having an piece of cake embankment day at Juan Dolio. You're on duty with your friend for the liquor and food run, and you pull up to La Sirena, or El Supermercado Bravo, or anywhere that sells snacks and nutrient. You are taken aback by men in dark green uniforms and combat boots, but what strikes you lot is the huge rifle in their hands.

When you lot're chilling in DR and see a human being usually dressed in dark light-green and holding a rifle in front of an establishment, remember that is the guachiman and he'due south just the security guard. Guachiman is some other fun (and old) dominicanismo for "watchman."


Your friends really want to give y'all an authentic experience of the Dominican Commonwealth, so instead of driving to Juan Dolio, you all board la guagua instead. Guagua is a usually used word in Spanish-speaking Caribbean countries for "bus." The guagua is not just whatsoever bus– information technology'south an feel. It shows you the mean solar day-to-day lives of locals transporting to and from their cities for affordable prices. Suddenly a uncomplicated beach trip becomes an entire cultural experience.

Hither are some theories as to the origins of the word "guagua." One that stands out is that it may originate from the languages of enslaved Nigerians. "Awawa" means to 'move quickly' in the Efik language.

Fun Fact: Dominican Republic, Republic of cuba, Puerto Rico and the Canary Islands (Spain) are the only places in the world where buses are referred to as guaguas (source).


Ane of our favorite things well-nigh the guagua ride over to the beach is the bustling conversations that occur on the ride. Folks who seem to be strangers are able to connect over things you wouldn't call back to ever outset a chat about with someone in NYC. There is a proper name for this enriching even so casual chatting you're overhearing… "chercha." Information technology refers to informal dialogue with no defined trajectory. It's often funny and entertaining. You might hear a lot of chercha on the radio while riding the bus, on Tik Tok by Dominican influencers, or in a conversation beingness had in a loud and lively manner amid people.

Un Tro'

Yous finally get to Juan Dolio, when your friend says "hay un tro' de gente aqui!" In Dominican, "un tro" is used as a unit of measurement to denote "a huge amount of." Similar to New York City's "mad", it simply ways a lot! My suspicions are that "united nations tro'" is next to "a truckload"… but what exercise I know?


Adjacent to "united nations tro'" but non at still, is "motete." Motete is a unit of measurement of measurement likewise, but the affair it measures is very specific… it measures random things. And then for example, yous're at the beach and your friend asks you to grab the sunblock from her bag. You unzip the bag to notice a motete of items: sunblock, a lighter, a condom, a small bottle of Brugal, a nail clipper, a spoon, a medium sized box of corn flei (?), a Metrocard (??), and a clown nose. That my friends, is a motete. Considering what the heck is all of that?

Given that logic, a motete cannot be a collection of non-random items. So if the handbag had just had sunblock, sunglasses, a towel, and a chapstick, it would not be a motete. Use wisely.


There's this one word your friends keep calling y'all- 'more. Someone has even texted you lot it before, and your initial response was "more than what?"

Pronounced "more-eh", this sweet term of endearment is akin to "mi amor" or "my love." Used in a sentence: This was a lengthy article, so thank yous for reading, more.

So friends, recollect our blog postal service side by side time yous're having the time of your life in the Dominican Republic— hopefully you'll feel a little less lost than I did when conversing with new friends in a different land. Hasta luego!

Greisy Genao (she/they) is a poet and filmmaker from Queens, NY with a BA in English language Writing and Film Studies. As a Fulbright U.South. Educatee Researcher, she has conducted research on Dominican folklore and film in the Dominican Commonwealth. Their award-winning film work has been celebrated across the Dominican diaspora and praised at film festivals from Santo Domingo to New York City. Greisy has too produced "Stories of the Diaspora," a series dedicated to capturing the narratives of multi-generational Dominicans in New York. Every bit a multidisciplinary storyteller, Greisy seeks to explore and honor the connectedness between folklore and nostalgia as it appears in the hyphenated Dominican experience.

Greisy's published work includes anthologies "Women of Eves Garden", "Ritmo Que Belatedly" from the Dominican Writers Association, and Sarah Lawrence Higher's "Lumina Journal."

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